Adorable Golden Retriever and Funny Tiny Kittens

I can never get enough of Bailey with kittens. Such a gentle giant. All the small animals just seem to love him so much. Especially the kittens!!!Not only is he gentle. Not only is he patient. Not only is he handsome. He also has the cutest ‘smile’. I mean, I know it’s not really a smile as humans know it, but his happy contentment is just contagious. 5 minutes of Bailey, and suddenly for 5 minutes, at least, all is right with the world. 🐕Bailey, dieser süüüße, wunderbare Schatz ist soooo liebenswert mit seinen Katzenbabys ❤️🤗😘, man kann sich daran nicht sattsehen!!!Bailey está ocupado, esta trabajando en la guardería de gatitos bebés, los esta cuidando mientras la mamá gata regresa. Peciosura de perrito 💞

Bailey makes my day…There’s a hurricane heading towards us here central east coast Florida..Thanks to Bailey and Cute Kittens..for making today a little easier…😄👍🐶🐱

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