Rottweiler Dog Adopts Stray Puppy and Makes his Life Happy

Made me tear up, I recently adopted an elderly blind dog that was abused and he settled in well with my other 5 rescues + my son’s dog. Gives me more joy than he will ever know. Greetings from Capetown for your wonderful work.I was really moved when I saw the puppy was saved and wrapped under a lady’s coat. How nice you guys are!Nothing better than seeing the transformation from that scared helpless little puppy to 10 days later eating and wagging his little tail! ♥️Thank you for saving that little boy. We are all lucky to have people like you out there doing this type of work! Thank YOU!!!You did not change Archie’s life, you literally GAVE him a life. He would have been frozen in no time. Thank god people like you exist. Huge thanks for everything you do. Much love from Lebanon.He’s so cute! I love how he went straight into the warm jacket he could tell that just made him feel better instantly and loved. Thank you so much for all you doYou’re the best people in the world. Seeing the puppy curled up in the corner in that freezing cold weather was just heartbreaking. You saved his life! I don’t understand how people can be so cruel. Who could have abandon him like that? And no one else there helped him although it was clearly a residency area and other people most have seen him. It’s a little defenseless baby and yet no one stopped to help him. That’s just heartbreaking. I’m so grateful for all you do. The words can’t describe my gratitude to you… You have saved so many lives. Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️I just finished watching your video and have a warm, fuzzy feeling inside and a smile lighting up my face. Your compassion with and caring for this dog are to be applauded. As many people on here have stated…it restores my faith in humanity. What is even more touchiing is that people from all over the world have responeded in such a nice manner. Keep up the good work.The long haired woman has made many pet rescue videos around Ukraine.Shes been doing this for a while. She goes on calls frm others to save the furry babies. She feeds/waters em first, then takes them promptly to the Vet.Then to her home where she bathes & blow dries them. Gives more food/water & shows them their comfy sleep spot. Poor darlings drift right off to deep sleep.The woman always finds safe loving homes for them by running adorable self photographed online ads. Shes a exceptional person❤️

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