What does a German Shepherd do when i hug my wife

Rocky is a very secure and confident boy. You guys can hug as long as you like. Absolutely fine with him and he knows it’s none of his business. He’s not falling for your pranks. LOL! He’s a very smart dog. 😹 Rocky is two years younger than Bailey but this German Shepard shows much maturity. He just wants you to get off the sofa.Seems Rocky checks if everything is okay between mum and dad. And when he’s sure nobody needs his protection, he can relax. Rocky is just a lovely good boy 🥰❤I love how dogs have different personallities. I also had a German Shep, but he was more like aloof. If you pet him for more than 15 seconds, he will let out a low growl. If you keep going, he will stand up and walk exactly 3 ft away and lie down, just out of reach. But he absolutely had to be in the same room as me, at all times, just not too into cuddling lol.🐾What a great dog. In 28 years, we have had 2 Shelties, one lived to 12 and one to 15. I miss them both. Rocky reminds of them. Sweet dog. Love every minute you have with him.

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