Black Cat For Mom

Love that the cat instantly accepted the situation. I have a black cat like that. The second he meets a new person he is immediately ok with being pet and held by them. So cute!I love how they gave her an adult cat instead of a kitten. Adult animals are less likely to be adopted and I think they are more appropriate for older adults, since is easier to see if the animal’s personality fits with the what the owner is seeking. Like in this video they gave her a very calm and accepting cat suitable for this lovely lady.The rare moments YouTube recommedationgs bring me absolute joy. So precious. Made me want to cry seeing how happy she was and how calm the kitty was to be given love and cuddles. What a wonderful, special moment.Recuerdo que vi esto hace un par de años atrás e igual lloré sobre todo porque también quería un gato luego de estar mucho tiempo sin mascotas, actualmente tengo seis gatos y dos perros, soy feliz cada que veo este video tan conmovedor, lo amo <3This was so ADORABLE!! 🥰🥰❤ I hope they’re happy together! Also I’m super late seeing this (5 years to be exact lol) but I’m glad I saw this before the year ended Merry Christmas and God Bless You All!! ❤🎄🙌🏼People are endlessly talking about how calm the cat is. However notice how perfectly placed her hands and arms are. she has a lifetime of experience to know exactly how to handle a random cat. Pure skill from experience.

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