Adorable Dogs Supervise Newborn Baby In The Bath! They’re So Confused!!

These doggos may be unable to speak like we humans, but nonetheless they are able to communicate all their feelings for Nathan & Amelia through their cute facial expressions and body language. ❤️❤️❤️Buddy and Teddy making sure baby is safe, and that the soap and water aren’t causing Nathan any harm. You can see in Teddy’s eyes when he walked in that he was very concerned about the baby’s safety. Despite Buddy’s relaxed appearance he was paying attention to Nathan’s bath time. Smart and very good fluffy boys.Buen día, buen Domingo Emma, amo ver a Nathan, disfrutando de su baño, con la gran compañía de Teddy, son adorables, cariños desde Argentina familia! ♥️Teddy is like I m going to be with my buddy wherever he is, after all we are best buds. Also around Nathan in the end he was like I am the youngest baby and not him, while laying on his back. Teddy ❤It’s amazing how loyal and protective the dogs are with Nathan and have been, from the first day home. Nathan is the image of his big sister Amelia, beautiful. 😍❤️❤️Buddy and Teddy are on point making sure Nathan is enjoying imbue bath and the soap and water are not hurting him. Nico, Phil, Milo are probably saying we are happy staying outside the bathroom. Nathan looks very relaxed. 🙂❤️🌹

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