Cutest German Shepherd Loves to Play with a Tiny Kitten

He’s SO gentle with them! And yet, just imagine if someone or something broke into the house and tried to attack the kittens. I feel positive he’d show his Ferocious Protector side.We had a big dog when I was a kid. My sister had a cat that became a mama cat one year. All the kittens figured out the monster dog was harmless unless he stepped on you, and they all mostly ignored him, but one little kitten was always “attacking” our dog and the dog loved it. They played all the time. That was the one kitten we kept.That’s a nice vid, among many. BTW, I think Rocky may actually be the smartest dog in the world. I kept watching the vid when you were faking your own death (when Rocky was a puppy) and the vid when you were fake-slapping your wife. Why did I see those vids more than once? Well, because in those vids Rocky actually said spontaneous things that a human being would say. In the vid where you were faking your own death when he was a puppy, he actually panicked and said “Oh dear!” at 1:24-1:25. And in the vid when you were fake-slapping your wife, and he thought it was a real slapping situation, he said “What are you doing?!” (at 2:08-2:09). BTW, I’m a Filipino man in my mid-40s. Yes, I do believe that your dog may actually be the smartest dog in the world because he can talk like a person can.Incredibly cute as always Rocky and his kitten buddies, big yet gentle hug to both 🤗❤

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