How a German Shepherd and a Kitten Became Best Friends

I absolutely love how gentle he is with HIS kitten. He is fully aware, that even a little bit of pressure could hurt his NOW bestfriend!I love watching Beck & Bleu together, brought tears to my eyes at the feisty kitten’s and gentle dog’s love for each other. The cuddling is wonderful.I love watching Beck & Bleu together, brought tears to my eyes at the feisty kitten’s and gentle dog’s love for each other. The cuddling is wonderful.the love between these two is joyous to view. The gentleness of the dog and the trust of the cat shows such love and fun. Thank you for sharing this paring of these two special pets.It is amazing to see how both of them play just rough enough and know how not to hurt each other. I do wonder how many times they made mistakes before they figured that out, though.Critters are pretty amazing. We received a rescue foster red heeler from an abuse situation. This pup was afraid of food, people, noise, the wind…. The old alley cat rescue took her under his paw and raised a confident, very good dog. No fear in her now and she is proudly my foster fail.That German Sheperd is showing unbelievable restraint. So glad you guys are constantly watching their interactions. That cat is so freaking cute and active! Very cool pair. 😎Votre chien est Magnifique. Cette vidéo reflète l’intelligence du berger allemand ça facilité d’adaptation, son obéissance et surtout la bonne éducation qu’il a reçu. Les animaux deviennent ce que nous en faisons. Bravo.I love how you guys introduced the new tiny kitten in such a safe and positive way. First through the sturdy carrier and then with little treats. I’m sure it helped lead the way to a precious friendship. You can see how they care for one another.Especially how they trust each other. No cat would roll on their back baring their belly unless they truly trusted the other animal. And it’s just amazing how gentle a big dog can be. How they will lay down so they can play easier with the pup or in this case kitten. You can just tell this Shepard loves his kitten from how worried he looked when his kitten was up the tree. It was cool how you showed their first introduction to the kitten growing up into a fine cat and a strong friendship between them.

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